2014 End of Year Ministry Story

Queens Park, Mt Hagen, WHP, 2014

EOYM organized by Hagen ETS and supported by the Kimininga church and its branch churches.

A two-week long meeting conducted for the first time in a town public venue. Minister Koivi Ako, minister under the WHM and long-time ETS member took the nightly sermons. God was victorious as always, with two souls baptized into the Kingdom of God; one being Martin Kopsy a current ETS Member. This meeting was one of the biggest and first town-conducted meetings for ETS ministry that we now know couldn’t have done it without the almighty God’s leading and timing.

2014 End of Year Ministry Gallery

Mid Year Ministry 2014.

Health Meeting Morata 2 Church 18th-24th May 2014

What a blessed and inspirational week that was! It was more gospel than just health talk. The community flocked in each night to hear about living a healthy spiritual life that would not only give long-life on earth but eternal life.

Health Meeting Morata Community Hall 17th-23rd Aug 2014

Dr. Robert Jones and Dr. Akule Danlop (both ETS member) took the health talks during the Elijah Project hosted by the Morata 2 SDA Youths. It was a blessing to the community at large. The talks were clear and precise, many learned well.

Mid Year Ministry Gallery